7 Account Based Marketing Strategies To Help Your Business Grow

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Let’s face it, the age-old tactics of blasting the same marketing message to every Tom, Dick and Harriet just doesn’t cut it anymore. Savvy businesses know they need to get personal if they want to truly connect with their ideal customers. That’s where account-based marketing (ABM) comes in – it puts the focus on high-value accounts and serves them tailored content designed to grab their interest.


1. Laser-Focus on Your MVPs

First things first, you’ll need to identify the accounts that are most likely to be a goldmine for your business. Do your research, dig into the data, and rank the contenders based on factors like revenue potential and how well they align with your superstar customer profile. Those at the top of the list are prime targets for the red carpet treatment.

2. Make it Personal, Keep it Relevant

One-size-fits-all is so last season. The key to ABM is creating content that speaks directly to the unique needs and pain points of each must-win account. Whether it’s highly customised email campaigns or bespoke social media posts, make sure your messaging hits the bullseye.

3. The Power of Multi-Channel Pursuit

Busy decision-makers are hard to pin down, so you need to cover all the bases. Strategically combine email outreach, paid ads, direct mail and other channels to increase your chances of getting on their radar and staying there throughout the entire buying journey.

4. Divide and Conquer with Partnerships

Why go it alone when you can team up for success? Scout out businesses or influencers who are a natural fit and explore co-marketing opportunities like joint webinars or co-authored guides. It’s a win-win that amplifies your reach and reinforces your credibility.

5. Decode the Data

The right data and analytics are your secret weapons. Dig into metrics around engagement, website behaviour and content consumption to unlock insights into what truly resonates with each target account. Even better, tap into predictive analytics to get ahead of their future needs before the competition.

6. Targeted Ads Built for Conversion

Invest in account-based advertising platforms that put your tailored ads and dynamic content directly in front of the decision-makers you’re after. When your ads are this hyper-personalised and aligned with your broader ABM strategy, you’re primed for maximum impact and ROI.

7. Continuous Improvement is the Name of the Game

Don’t set it and forget it. Stay vigilant about scrutinising performance metrics like engagement, conversions and revenue. Use testing and experimentation to keep optimising your approach for every key account. Nail it, scale it – that’s the path to ABM greatness.


With these 7 account-based marketing power moves in your arsenal, you’ll be winning over high-value accounts left and right while your business soars to new heights. It’s time to kiss spray-and-pray marketing goodbye for good.

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